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Irena Paskali

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von Irena Paskali am 25.10.2023
Drawings with medieval-modern (pre-18th century) wood charcoal ( Excavation fromCologne) These landscapes have been drawn with wood charcoal and this wood charcoal is over hundred, even thousand, years old. And that is something special for the artist. She says she has great respect for it. She is fascinated by the immense time span concentrated in this material. She asks herself where this wood charcoal comes from. From wood, but what kind of wood, maybe it was furniture once or burned bone rests. When drawing she holds a piece of past times in her hands and creates something new with this little piece of charcoal. She is the nexus, the catalyst between the past and the present as if she could convey something from past times to the present by drawing on a sheet of paper. She likes the natural shade of color and does not want to mix it with other colors. For her, this wood charcoal speaks its own language. The drawing is clear, pure, distinct and elegant when the wood charcoal stands for itself. Irena Paskali loves the hardness of this material that is also soft at the same time and yet can appear strong and powerful in a drawing. The artist presents sleek perfection in the division, in the composition, in the display of feelings. Her sense for rhythm and proper balance between black and white tones is striking. (Josef Gülpers MA Art historian)


Titel: Zusammen (Together)
30 x 23 cm, Drawing on Wood, EUR 120,00


Titel: Sitzen
Zeichnung auf Papier (Drawing on Paper), ohne Rahmen: 21 x 31 cm, EUR 50,00, mit Rahmen 30 x 40 cm, EUR 100,00.

Titel: NYC
Zeichnung auf Papier (Drawing on Paper), mit Rahmen 30 x 40 cm, EUR 110,00.

Die Welle
Titel: Die Welle (The Wave)
Zeichnung auf Papier (Drawing on Paper),
ohne Rahmen 53 x 87 cm, EUR 200,00, mit Rahmen 100 x 70 cm, EUR 400,00.

Die Radfahrer
Titel: Die Radfahrer
Zeichnung auf Papier (Drawing on Paper), mit Rahmen 30 x 40 cm, EUR 120,00.

Die Frau
Titel: Die Frau (The Woman)
Zeichnung (Drawing), mit Rahmen 53 x 42 cm, EUR 120,00.

Die Berge (1)
Titel: Die Berge (1) The Mountains (1)
Zeichnung (Drawing), ohne Rahmen 100 x 53 cm, EUR 300,00.

Die Berge (2)
Titel: Die Berge (2) The Mountains (2)
Zeichnung (Drawing),
ohne Rahmen 83 x 53 cm, EUR 250,00, mit Rahmen EUR 400,00.

der Tanz
Titel: Der Tanz (Dance), Zeichnung (Drawing)
53 x 44cm, ohne Rahmen, EUR 190,00, mit Rahmen 50 x 80 cm EUR 350,00

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50733 Köln, Deutschland

Irena Paskali ©2024